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الندوة الوطنية الأولى للحراريات التي ستعقد فی میرک PDF طباعة إرسال إلى صديق
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السبت, 11 أبريل 2009 09:03


Your requested interview is in Persian. For more information please see Persian Version.

تعزيز أنشطة البحوث لكتاب ميرك في عام ۲۰۰۹ PDF طباعة إرسال إلى صديق
الأحد, 25 يناير 2009 18:38


Enhancement of Research Activities at MERC during 9th Government

 Four-year term of the 9th government was accompanied with intense devotion which resulted in advancements of the scientific research institutes like Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC).


This institute received awards, appreciation plates and statues from such prestigious ranking institutions like The Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council (INIC), Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and local organizations throughout all these years.


Unprecedented increase in scientific projects, signing applied research contracts with the industrial and service organizations, signing memorandum of understanding with international educational and research organizations in line with the joint research activities, planning and signing of agreements with foreign scientific centers for admitting doctoral and post-doctoral guest students, commissioning of new laboratories and expanded laboratory services to help solving scientific problems of students and academia across the country, running tests for industrial and commercial institutes like Institute of Standard and Industrial Research, infrastructure development and enhancement of the research activities resulting in abrupt increase of the number of articles, books, patents and scientific publications have been the achievements of this period at MERC.



The latest achievement shows 4th Grade in the Laboratory Network Ranking of 2009 (1388) Nanotechnology Festival. This grade covers 2009 (1388) extensive efforts conducted at MERC. This latest rank shows 4 grades increase with respect to the previous year of 2008 (1387) which has been 8th in the Nanotechnology Laboratory Network Ranking system.


تكوين الثروه يتطلب عمل جماعي وعملي PDF طباعة إرسال إلى صديق
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الخميس, 23 أكتوبر 2008 18:40



Your requested interview is in Persian. For more information please see Persian Version.

سراق العلوم (سواء كمولفات او اختراعات) يمكن تحديدهم ولا حاجة للتخوف من التطور الحاصل في مجال انتحال (سرقة) اسم المولف او كتاباته PDF طباعة إرسال إلى صديق
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الاثنين, 29 سبتمبر 2008 19:12


Your requested interview is in Persian. For more information please see Persian Version.

تدفق المعرفة ليست في اتجاه واحد، ونحن نتعلم من بعضنا البعض PDF طباعة إرسال إلى صديق
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الأربعاء, 16 يوليو 2008 18:16




Your requested interview is in Persian. For more information please see Persian Version.

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